domingo, 11 de julio de 2010


It is the 1940s. She is wearing a polka dot knee-length dress. When he gets home from work in the evening, everything is spick-and-span. She has already laid the table and a warm dinner is awaiting them. Mamy years separate us now from those days. However, have things really changed?

On the one hand, some people believe it it women´s duty to stay at home and juggle woth whisks, baby battles, books, a cell phone, a hair dryer and diskettes. In other words, they are supposed to keep the house and bring up the children; they have to be intellectual, and they should, as well, be available at all times, and pretty and modern. And, as if all this was not enough, they are expected to have their husband´s dinner ready by the time they arrive.

On the other hand, there are those who think that women have the right to have a job, too. And this is what many couples do these days. They leave their kids in the hands of nanny most of the day while they go out and make money ( to support the home and family ). In fact, many kids claim that their parents have no time for them. It is childminders who raise them, playing the part of parents.

In the era of sexual equality, it would be somewhat of an anachronism to expect women to stay at home raising the kids ans feel rewarded. It is up to each couple to strike a balance between professional duties and house chores.

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