I am writing to bring to your attention the pernicious effects advertising campaigns have on children nowadays. As a citizen, I consider that this massive project is exploiting children for commercial and financial purposes, regardless of its harmful psychological implications for their development. Based on this, I would like to offer a little constructive criticism.
I strongly think that the tremendous impact adverts have upon children is closely related to their incapacity to understand or care about the aim of the adverts. Marketing managers take advantage of children´s lack of understanding to make money, purposefully ignoring the damaging consequences. The results are not only an epidemic of materialistic values among children, but also the belief that they are inferior if they don´t have a new product.
Something should be done to prevent children from becoming more and more insecure; similarly parents should stop fostering a materialistic value that makes their kids believe that they need to buy the latest product to be happy.
One solution to the problem would be to introduce a tight regulation in order to decrease the amount of advertisements aimed at children that are constantly published. Moreover, parents should stop with the bad habit of buying their sons whatever they want, and instead, teach them that they have to feel more secure and that material objects have nothing to do with happiness.
- Taking into account children´s incapacity to differentiate between fantasy and reality and the tremendous influence advertisements have upon them, a tight regulation is needed to protect the young ones. It is assumed that marketing managers only worry about the financial gain regardless of the harmful effect adverts´ can produce on children. As it is beyong parental control to decrease the amount of advertisements that are displayed, an official rule made by the government is required.
LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMDPql6rweo
It is a very good point you make in this post, and about a complicated issue. We need to bear in mind that not only children suffer from the effects of advertising. In our society, most people believe the more they own the better they are.
ResponderEliminarHow can we expect adults to warn children against publicity when they themselves are victims of it?